Oh What's in a Name?
I feel like today is a good day to tell the story of the name we chose for our son, Hunter Colin Ott. Matt and I agreed that if it was a boy, he would get to pick the name, and if it was a girl, I would. So, as much as I was hoping for a girl, I am really glad it's a boy. And here is why:
Five years ago, to the day, Matt was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Matt's road to baptism was a very rocky one, yet miraculous, to say the least. One of the most influential people in the process was Matt's best friend, Colin Hare. Colin was a member of the church who was working at re-flaming his fire of faith in a very pivotal time in Matt's life. Matt was introduced to the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ down in Southern California, with Colin by his side.
But the plan God had for Matt wasn't in Southern California, it was up here, in Northern California. So after meeting missionaries down in Southern California once or twice, Matt made his big move to Roseville and put those two young men in their white shirts and ties and name tags in the back of his mind. Little did he know, the reason he thought he was moving to Northern California, to make techno music, would all fall in shambles and he would have to hit rock bottom before he could climb up again. And two of the people that would act as mentors, or guides in that climb, would be two more guys in white shirts and ties with name tags.
Elder Johansen and Elder Schwarz were there for Matt in a time when it seemed like no one else was. And Matt was the most attentive and enthusiastic investigators a missionary can only pray for. There was no denying the hand of God in Matt's life that led him to this great day- April 20, 2007, the day Matt chose to take upon himself the name of Jesus Christ and enter into a covenant with Him, to live the rest of his days as a witness of Him, that He lives and is the Savior of the world.
On this eventful day, Matt chose Elder Johansen to be the person who physically baptized him. He chose a member friend, Mark Madsen, to give him the gift of the Holy Ghost. And in the excitement of the moment, he made a solemn declaration to his other Elder, Elder Schwarz, that he was going to name his first born after him! A promise that he truly intended to keep! Elder Schwarz first name is Hunter.
So while I'll admit, Hunter wasn't my first name of choice, I do fully support Matt in his choice to name our son Hunter Colin Ott because of the significance of the story behind the name and because of the great examples my son will get to live up to. Hunter (our son) has an amazing father who lives a righteous life patterned after the teachings of Jesus Christ, but he didn't become the man he is on his own doing. It was through the friendship and example of many that molded him into the man he is today. And Hunter's name is a tribute to a few of these great people. :)

Matt with Hunter