Week 1 With Angel Baby
It's hard to believe Hunter has only been with our family for 1 week! Matt and I both agree that we don't even remember what life was like without him. This has seriously been the most joyful week of my life, caring for my newborn. That's not to say it's been perfect though...
Usually a woman's milk comes in 3-5 days after the baby is born. Having a C-Section shouldn't slow this down, because the milk coming is triggered by the detaching of the placenta, not the actual birth itself. But here were are a week out and I still have no milk. :( This has been very challenging for me because breastfeeding my baby was such a big priority of mine. I pray every day to have the ability to nourish my little child and it breaks my heart to have to use formula, even though I know it is a blessing to have.
It's funny how this birth has gone nothing like I planned it to go. All these twists and turns in the road, but I count my blessings every night that my son is healthy and happy. Since supplementing with formula, Hunter has been a very happy baby. He sleeps very well and is hardly fussy at all, which makes for one happy mommy! I am not sure if I will get a miracle and my milk will suddenly come in a week late, but if I don't I pray for perspective that, even though breastfeeding is the most beneficial way to nourish your child, the formula will help him to grow healthy and strong and that Hunter will be a force for good in this life.
It's great to see you staying so positive throughout these trials. You are strong, and I admire that a lot! And no matter what happens, in the end all that matters is that you are a good mother to your baby boy! :) Doesn't matter if he was breastfed or not!